Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Wrack and ruin

I like to think that I'm cool, calm, and collected. When what I really am is wracked with uncertainty and doubt along with exhibiting a certain amount of OCD tendencies. And why? I have no idea. I worry that the plane will crash; I worry that my retirement plan includes "bag lady;" I worry that I won't memorize the dratted music in time for the concert; I worry that I'm not philanthropic enough; I worry because I'm a lousy housekeeper; I worry that I don't exercise enough (okay -- at all...); I worry that I won't be perfect because for some reason I think that perfect is expected.

What does this mean? Does it mean that I'm human? Female? Having a mid-life crisis a little later than most people? Or have these feelings always been there, it's just that having them bothers me now for some unknown reason.

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm healthy, have a nice house, a wonderful husband, great friends and family. So what do I have to worry about? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Which may be why I do...